-ling - vertaling naar russisch
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-ling - vertaling naar russisch

Diminutives; -let; -ling; -ette; -y; -ie; Diminuitive; Diminuitives; Diminutive suffix; Diminutive form; English diminutive; Double diminutive; Chinese diminutives; Chinese diminutive; Italian diminutive; Diminutive (linguistics)





общая лексика

встречается в существительных, обозначающих человека, животное или растение по образу действия, по положению

образует уменьшительные (иногда - уничижи тельные) существительные

Смотрите также


Ling (disambiguation); Ling (fish)


общая лексика

американский нитепёрый налим (Urophycis)


водяной орех (Trapa natans)

вереск обыкновенный (Calluna vulgaris)

камыш (Scirpus)

осока (Carex)


чёрный конгрио (Genypterus blacodes)

лотелла (Lotella)


нигрита (Rachycentron canadum)


улекс (Ulex)

Смотрите также

banded ling; blue ling; rock ling




вереск обыкновенный (Calluna vulgaris)

камыш (Scirpus gen.)

осока (Carex gen.)


водяной орех (Trapa natans)

вереск обыкновенный


морская щука (Molva gen.)

морской налим (Motella gen.)

морская щука

Ling (disambiguation); Ling (fish)
ling I noun zool. морская щука II noun bot. вереск обыкновенный


·- An adverbial suffix; as, darkling, flatling.
II. -ling ·- A noun suffix, commonly having a diminutive or a depreciatory force; as in duckling, gosling, hireling, fosterling, firstling, underling.



A diminutive is a word obtained by modifying a root word to convey a slighter degree of its root meaning, either to convey the smallness of the object or quality named, or to convey a sense of intimacy or endearment. A diminutive form (abbreviated DIM) is a word-formation device used to express such meanings. In many languages, diminutives are word forms that are formed from the root word by affixation. In most languages, diminutives can also be formed as multi-word constructions such as "Tiny Tim", or "Little Dorrit". Diminutives are often employed as nicknames and pet names when speaking to small children and when expressing extreme tenderness and intimacy to an adult. The opposite of the diminutive form is the augmentative.

In most languages that form diminutives by affixation, this is a productive part of the language. For example, in Spanish gordo can be a nickname for someone who is overweight, and by adding an -ito suffix, it becomes gordito which is more affectionate. A double diminutive (example in Polish: dzwondzwonekdzwoneczek; example in Italian: casacasettacasettina) is a diminutive form with two diminutive suffixes rather than one. While many languages apply a grammatical diminutive to nouns, a few – including Slovak, Dutch, Spanish, Latin, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Russian and Estonian – also use it for adjectives (in Polish: słodkisłodziutkisłodziuteńki) and even other parts of speech (Ukrainian спатиспаткиспатоньки — to sleep or Slovak spaťspinkaťspinuškať — to sleep, bežaťbežkať — to run). In English, the alteration of meaning is often conveyed through clipping, making the words shorter and more colloquial. Diminutives formed by adding affixes in other languages are often longer and (as colloquial) not necessarily understood.

Diminutives in isolating languages may grammaticalize strategies other than suffixes or prefixes. In Mandarin Chinese, for example, other than the nominal prefix 小 xiǎo and nominal suffixes 儿/兒 -r and 子 -zi, reduplication is a productive strategy, e.g., 舅舅 and 看看. In formal Mandarin usage, the use of diminutives is relatively infrequent, as they tend to be considered to be rather colloquial than formal. Some Wu Chinese dialects use a tonal affix for nominal diminutives; that is, diminutives are formed by changing the tone of the word.

In some contexts, diminutives are also employed in a pejorative sense to denote that someone or something is weak or childish. For example, one of the last Western Roman emperors was Romulus Augustus, but his name was diminuted to "Romulus Augustulus" to express his powerlessness.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor -ling
1. My name is Ling-ling.
Measuring the Networked Nonprofit - Using Data to Change the World _ Beth Kanter _ Talks Google
2. Ling cod.
Cooking Sustainable Seafood _ Rick Moonen _ Talks at Google
3. and lingo and culture.
The Partner Track _ Helen Wan _ Talks at Google
4. Lisa Ling: Right.
5. I'm learning the lingo.
Eat Your Feelings _ Lindsey Smith _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor -ling
1. Ida said an autopsy found Ling Ling died of heart failure.
2. Ya Ya was mated with 11–year–old Ling Ling from Wolong in April.
3. The name that came to mind when I saw Lun Lun‘s precious cub is Ling Ling.
4. Born at China‘s Beijing Zoo in 1'85, Ling Ling came to Tokyo in 1''2.
5. Between 1'83 and 1'8', Ling–Ling and Hsing–Hsing produced five cubs, but none lived longer than four days.